

Having a functional respiratory system and pulse are good signs, as is gainful occupation.  But they do not define living.  Max Lucado calls it the 'sweet spot.'  It is being in the progression, on the path God means for you, fulfilling God's (the artist's) idea of you (His art, expression).  When you are in that 'sweet spot,' there exists a serenity and satisfaction unequaled in all experience, a peace that goes beyond our finite understanding.  Not that everything is right or according to plan, not without challenge, or even trouble.  Its a place of being; in right relationship with your Originator, God.  When you are in that place, "doing" is not of any consequence, except your doing flows out of your heart.  In getting to that place, you have grappled with your truths, pleasant and otherwise, and have attained the quiet peace as a result of spending time with God in the secret place.  In secular vernacular, it is Nirvana, Zen, the calm space in the middle of a hurricane.

When Jesus told his rag-tag twelve, "Because I live, you will also live," He was at the end of three years of the most successful ministry there ever was.  The cross was just around the corner, and He knew it.  What society of His time knew as the epidemy of dishonor and shame-crucifixion-was Jesus' last and eternal declaration of victory over everything that would keep us bound to existence without true life.  Jesus continued, "In this world you will have trouble.  The world hates me, and it will hate you because of me.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world!!"

Synonomous with true living, living in that 'sweet spot' is OVERCOMING, and that is not without heartache, pain, trials, tests, things that just do not even make sense to human reasoning.  People you think the world of will let you down.  You will be a source of disappointment to someone, even if you do everything 100% right, which you will not do.  Mary, Jesus' mother, who was 'highly favored of God' was disappointed and embarrassed by Jesus and sought him out to tell him so, a few times.  Her very heart was metaphorically 'pierced through with a sword' as she watched in horror Jesus' false condemnation, beating, mocking, being spit upon, beating again, then being nailed to our cross.  His resurrection was His ultimate declaration of victory over all those incredibly trying and painful low spots.  Simply, there is no overcoming without pain.

But the lives that touch ours, that we touch when we are full-on bustin' it in that 'sweet spot,' they are impacted, as we are.  The beauty of the Life that is in Christ is many faceted.  It is more than being blessed with wealth, fame, and influence.  It is changing the hearts of others because you had the guts to obey what Jesus whispers to you in that secret place, overcoming, by His power, all the trouble that WILL come because of that obedience.  It is bringing that raging peace to others by giving up on what we hoped to accomplish for what God wants to accomplish with us, through us.  Those twelve gnarly men, a varitable motley crew of nobodies and epic losers, turned the whole world on its ear!  What will He do to your world, dare you look your truth in the eye, speak His truth into it, and leap at His bidding?  Because He lives, we live, really live.  Because we live, others will live forever to the praise and glory of  The Originator and Reigning King of Kings.  Now, that's LIVING!!!

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