

Its Christmas 2018.  Recently, I was asked what I thought my life would look like at this stage in life.  Beth and I had our 25th wedding anniversary this past August.  Both our children are grown, out of high school, launching into what will be their life.  Beth has been administrating at our church, which has again  changed pastors, and names, and everything else, apparently…  Lots of changing happening.  I have to say I am not a fan of that. 

I used to be.  New things were interesting because I had very little experience.  When you’re young, people see possibilities, hope in you, in your gifts, in your zeal.  So much talk about leadership was going around, and I just thought, “wow, what a time I live in!!!”  I read it all, talked to the ministry and leadership gurus, implemented as best I could in my own groups.  It was exciting getting people to get involved in churchy stuff.  And indeed, I really learned some good, boots-on-the-ground lessons.  But the most important things I learned came from when I botched it.

My answer to the question about what I thought my life would look like seemed to be anomalous to the one asking:  I had no idea, just never even thought about it.  What I did think about is that being older might be difficult, might slow me down, might stifle me.  But all that goal-oriented strategically visualizing living crap I never could get ahold of…  mainly because I didn’t care.  And now, knocking on 50, I still don’t. 

I think we are taught to spend so much time dreaming and thinking and training for what we want our life to be like that we never take adequate time learning who God made us to start with.  You see, He is the architect of life, and of every life individually.  And you are HIS idea.  So all those cool things you can do, your natural gifts and interests, they were carefully designed and installed for you to learn, use, and enjoy-a blessing to you from God!  I have always been very uncomfortable hearing very churchy people talk about others “missing” God’s plan.  I think that is an over simplification of the matter that has been used to manipulate and even psychologically brutalize.  There was only ONE who was part of His plan, and only He could have “missed” it.  But He didn’t.  Adam and Eve “missed” God’s plan after God had already planned the remedy to their failure.  We are His idea, not His plan.  Please understand the distinction.

Ideas are really cool because they have potential.  And that potential has even more…  potential.  Like computers, ideas can do many, many and varied things, even though they all basically look the same and come with the same hardware.  We don’t look at a computer in a kids room and say, “man, that computer has so much more potential…”  Its purpose is to be used, to connect to a higher power, to teach, and to give pleasure.  And as long as it is doing those things, it is fulfilling its purpose.  Ask any theologian what purpose do humans have.  They will answer, “To know God, and enjoy Him forever.”  That’s big and complicated, but its also small and simple. 

The ancient stoics believed the best way to not be disappointed is to have no expectations.  They did their best and when the results were good they were happy.  When they were not, they were at least content.  Having things turn out the way we want is not the blessing.  The blessing is simply in the ability to give it a whirl.  And when we are spending time knowing God and learning to enjoy Him, peace will reside in our hearts because we are using what God implanted in us to learn, teach, and enjoy-no pressure, no coercion, no hassle.  Life is good because God is good.  Simply good.

Almost 50, I drive a truck for a living.  I make better money than a lot of educated people I know who are “disappointed” I didn’t get a degree.  As I know God, I connect with people everyday who may only see a good God because of me.  Same with you.  Its Christmas.  Let your worries roll on by.  Connect with God.  Connect with His Plan-its His Plan’s birthday (Jesus)!!  And if you are not happy with where you are in life, remember:  1-its no one’s business but your’s and God’s, 2-You are His idea, 3-Lean into your natural gifts and abilities.  You’ll find that YOU are the blessing!!!

1st Corinthians 1.1-9

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