"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it." -Galadriel's monologue, The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Someone felt they had to remind me this wasn't cannonical biblical scripture the other day. It reminded me vividly of the damage closed religion has done to the world, especially to those who live the unimaginably blessed (cursed?) lives in the U.S.A. No, its not scripture. But it so harkens to the unbending truths of its commentary on humanity. Phrases from the Cannon touch off bridges of what I see today, like-"all we like sheep..." or "the Lord was sorry that He made man on the earth..." or "...the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men..." or "In the last days..."
I believe humanity has never had more information, never had such a firm grasp on wisdom as we do today, obviously never had the amazing technology that has the power to do so much good. Yet, we are as calculating, grasping, and as heinous as ever! Something is definitely different about this generation that has never had it so easy, and has been lazier in search of truth, perhaps, than any generation before it. Matt. 11.16-19
Two thousand years ago the Gospel made a provocative entrance with the emergence of Christ on the human scene. He lived in utter obscurity doing the work of his earthly father for 30 years, just like every other schmuck in any land anywhere, just like me, just like you. He bore through the labor, trials, joys and sorrows of life like any of us, except without sin. And at 30 years old, he launched a wave that has washed over this world many times since. The "Good News" is the translation of the old english word. And it was crazy good. People back then needed something good, anything good, because badness, they were only too aware, was not only around them, but in them. Romans 3.10 It was easy to start with the Good News, because they already knew the bad news.
I was watching a popular show the other day and on this episode a very young man, hunting with his father and grandfather, had killed his first buck. As the father was gutting the animal, the was looking shocked at the reality of his actions. His dad ask him what's the matter. The kid looked at the deer he just killed and mumbled something about death. The dad replies something to the effect of "Hey its alright. Its a big deal taking a life. Everything on this earth has to do it to survive. Even trees. The bigger ones kill all the smaller stuff beneath them."
The grandfather pipes up with something like, "Killing's the one thing on this planet we all share." The kid asks, "Will something kill us, too?" "Yes." says the grandfather, "It might be a bacteria so small you need a microscope to see it. It might be a big ol' bear. There's no such thing of dying of old age. Something kills us all." The ironic thing about this particular show is it presents a picture of man killing man, not for survival's sake, but for everything else, and delluding their own thinking about it.
Something. Kills. Us. All. Its a message we don't hear today, at least without some twisted political agenda attached. We have had it so good for so long, we don't even acknowledge the truth about ourselves. Something kills us all, and that something is our sin. There is none righteous. Your sin is killing you. The politicians won't tell you this baddespel or bad news. Your high school or university won't either. But truer nothing ever was. Inside you is that killer bacteria that you don't even see, and the hungry bear with its ripping claws tearing jaws. You're imbedded with all of it. It all may not manifest in the most terrifying ways, but its all in there, in you. It is you.
Own it. You have stolen. You have illegally gratified, falsely testified, disrespected, hated, and even murdered with your words, if not literally. Own it. You love your kids, but in a moment of anger you hi-jacked their sanity. You love your wife, but when she won't you... You know. You love your husband, but "he ain't the boss of me..." It wasn't a moment of weakness. It was you. What you meant to do, you did. Yes, look at your ugliness, your lack, your evil, at you. Yes. "This Is Us."-reality version. Something kills us all and that something is US.
Until we understand who we really are, what we are, Who made us, who reviled us, who rebelled, who brought the hell right into the living room of our daily lives, There will be no saviour and no salvation.
"Some of ya'll can't find peace because you the one causing the hell."
As soon you own it, look up John 3.16 in the Bible and get on the road to LIFE!!! I hope you do. Because what you see happenning in our world today is only going to get worse. And that will happen because most will not accept this truth, this baddespel!
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