

"If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the opposite direction."  -Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Eric Metaxas writes, in Bonhoeffer, how the Germans were seduced by the National German Church into believing ideologies of their Lutheran heritage that were twisted to serve the Nazis’ Socialistic and ultimately pagan plan for world domination and the systematic eradication of the Jews. The same twisting of theology is happening in the U.S.A., stemming mainly from a new “Christian” movement called the Emergent Church, and from a passive attitude toward the dismantling of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Even pastors who have not taken to the “Emergent” ideas en total convey a pacifist attitude toward calling direct attention to religio-political attitudes and statements coming out of Washington, D.C. and our State Houses. These attitudes and statements embrace the idea of Socialism, preaching “brother’s keeper” ideology. But it is being forced upon free Americans by “sharing the wealth” of business owners and the middle class by sweeping increases in taxation and other “user” or “administration” fees. The result is less business, fewer jobs, and a monstrous covert destruction of the middle class, leaving only the poor dependent upon an elite and very wealthy ruling class.

What happened in Germany from 1933 to 1945 is beginning to happen in the U.S.A. It all looks very “Christian” in the beginning, but it is tyranny in disguise. Adolf Hitler posed as a Christian and positioned his policies as moral to sway the masses that had become ignorant of true theology. Barak Hussein Obama has been doing the same thing presently in America, when his confessed true religion is Islam.

In the American endeavor toward life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, some bad seed has been sown in the last forty years, and is now beginning to bloom. Most prominent among them is an oxymoronic tolerance of different religions and lifestyles to the point of rendering one's own convictions useless. An unreasonable sensitivity has grown and is causing wide spread malfeasance in all arenas of American life. It is called “Political Correctness," and in social and spiritual venues it is the concern of offending or causing undue offense in what should be freedom of expression.

Clearly this idea began in the political landscape as a tool of thought control. Certain terms, called “labels,” that were commonly held began to be viewed negatively by those who had a calculated political interest.  Academia plays a central role in this perversion of kindness. Soon those terms began to be thought of as bad language, when in fact, they were real words with real meanings that had been slightly redefined. The new descriptions that are replacing them carry the stigma of being relevant vernacular, verses the old words, which now should never be used. Redefining words and meanings dumbs down thought giving a reason for offense at the old ideas. For example, the word “Christian” has now become interchangeable with “moral.” To be known as “Christian” is passé and ignorant. But to be moral is socially acceptable, even though the word itself has no absolute definition. Whereas it used to mean keeping to a goodness that is from God, now it is merely “socially acceptable,” with no basis, and that is ever changing through humanistic patterns of thought. Another example is the ever changing vernacular associated with physical and mental disability.

Once words have lost their meanings in this way, thoughts and ideas change. Now they are being steered into a global one-ness, if you will, and any other source of thought is considered in error, if not, immoral, if not, criminal. In the eighties everyone envied the rich, and now they are envied to the point of hate and disdain. A Christian was the model of morality, now they are fruitcakes. Everything is now relative, floating in a bowl of humanistic jello. Absolution is unattainable, except that everything is absolutely in flux. Substance has been removed from hearty, productive, American thought.

Somehow, somewhere, we have boarded the wrong train, and it’s a runaway. Running down the corridor in the opposite direction is useless indeed. Is it even possible to stop it at all, turn it around, and head back in the direction of individual rights and the American freedom that built this great nation?

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