

I'm often struck with the notion that the longer we live, the more we want to live because we become better at it-we understand it more. If we are only single dimensional objects, this is unfair because the longer we live, the closer we are to the end of our time. Just when we are the best at living that we have ever been, times up.  To believe this is all there is here, our time on this planet, we would have to make ourselves blind.

As we live we go through cloud and shadow-hard times. These are times when its hard to make sense out of the circumstances we are in. We get caught up in the emotion of tragedy, injustice, failure, and the complexities of just being alive. We are plunged into situations and issues that do not yield to our peaceful-like routines. In short, we get spun. And we wonder if and how this all will end. But somehow, we pull through it. We don't know how, really, until sometimes years and years later, if at all. But once we come out of the cloud and shadow, we get our self back, and all our instincts.

Except now, we're different because of the experience of being lost in the cloud and shadow. We can see better; good enough to help someone else going through a dark time. And that is an elating experience. The things we are sure of, are now that much more sure. And if they are not, those things have crumbled to the pressure, and we know their true worth. That is a good thing because something stronger and more real has filled the void. Our "stuff" has been tested. And we go on, better, wiser, happier, fulfilled, because doing whatever is next is natural. Life flows.

What happens to all that experience and wisdom? Are we objects that learn this process of learning, grow and become better and better only to pass from this scene into nothingness? If that is true, what a waste. And more than that, what's the point? Why would beauty, morals, perfection, truth, any of these matter at all, if indeed this is all there is? Why would feeding a hungry child, or helping someone less fortunate, or any form of kindness or goodness have so much worth in our societies? Why would any of that matter at all? My instincts, my most accurate of senses whispers cosmic purpose, something beyond all this, and it is connected to this process we are in-this life. If this was really all there is, why would we even care?

But we do care. We want to do better, we thirst to excel. That in itself is evidence of something more. There is more to us than we can see. Dare we seek it?

1 comment:

Little Tony said...

it took me two reads to figure out this was you, with out your name on it. I can't tell you how much I miss you. I was just thinking a week or so ago about talking to you about you and I going down to see Jim for few days, give R a break and hang out with guys. I am glad your bloggin, its been a good experience so far ...no one mad yet at me. Anyway we will talk soon.
My comment on the blog is I love your last line...Dare we seek more, it is scary to dive into what God may really want for us, there is more beyond what we see, experience and understand.
I love ya man and look foward to your wise words